Tile Project Spotlight

Luxury Coastal Condo Renovation – Sorhegui Tile

luxury condo retreat project
The Sorhegui Tile team had the opportunity to work with Collins & Dupont Design Group on renovating a luxury high-rise condo in Bay Colony, an upscale gated community in Naples.

The owners previously used the condo as a vacation home and were transitioning to full-time Naples residents. The goal of the design was to open up the space and take advantage of the beautiful gulf views wherever possible. Sorhegui Tile was able to supply materials to help Collins & Dupont complete the major renovation to create a beautiful gulf side oasis.


The main flooring throughout the condo was chosen from our natural stone collection. Collins & Dupont chose an exotic Via Lattea Marble African Natural Stone. The large-scale, thinly-grouted 24” x 24” – 30” x 30” contemporary tiles are beautiful and elegant as well as durable.

To view our whole natural stone collection, click here: https://sorheguitile.com/product-category/products/natural-stone/


In the master bathroom, our Titanium Striato glass tile was used to design a curved floating wall, used as a backdrop behind the tub placed in the center of the room. This serves as a dramatic focal point of the room with an open feel desired by the owner.

To view our whole collection of glass mosaics, tiles, and slabs, click here: https://sorheguitile.com/product-category/products/glass/

About Sorhegui Tile

We have worked with designers, builders, and homeowners to help them create bespoke spaces for over 3 decades. Our selection of tile, natural stone, porcelain, glass slabs, mosaics, and more. Contact us to learn more about how we can turn your design concept into a reality.

Learn more by reading “Coastal Retreat Becomes Home” in the latest Fall 2021 issue of Home & Design.

Interior Designer

Collins DuPont Design Group


Luxury Home Builder

BCB Homes



Bailiwick Design Studio


Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery


Tropical Tile & Marble


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